日治時期 Japanese colonial Period (1912~1945)

July 5, 1912: The Auxiliary Industrial Institute of the Education Affairs Office of the Civil Administration Department was established by the Taiwan Governor General Office in Ta-an Precinct, Tachiana District, Taipei Prefecture (current site). Mr. Kichijiku Kumamoto was appointed as the President. The Institute, consisting of three departments: Woodcraft, Metalwork and Electrical Engineering, ushered in an era of industrial education in Taiwan.
June 23, 1914: The Institute was renamed Taiwan Governor General Office Industrial Institute.
(大正六年), 因應工業之進展改定「工業講習所規程」,採取乙種中等職業學校的分科內容,分為機械、電氣、土木建築、應用化學、家具及金屬細工共六科。
1917: In response to the progress of the industry, the "Industrial Training Institute Regulations" was revised to adopt the sub-subject content of a secondary vocational school, which is divided into six subjects: machinery, electrical, civil engineering and construction, applied chemistry, furniture and metalwork.
July 18, 1918: Taiwan Governor General Office Industrial Institute was established, providing five-year degree programs to students whose nationality was Japanese. The degree programs included Mechanical Engineering, Applied Chemistry and Civil Engineering.
April 1, 1919: Taiwan Governor General Office Industrial Institute was renamed Taiwan Public Taipei Industrial Institute.
April 1, 1921: Taiwan (Public Taipei) Industrial Institute was renamed Taipei Prefecture Taipei First Industrial Institute admitting students of Japanese nationality. Taiwan Public Taipei Industrial Institute was renamed Taipei Prefecture Taipei Second Industrial Institute, admitting Taiwanese students. The campus was shared by two school systems.
April 1, 1923: Taipei Prefecture Taipei First Industrial Institute and Taipei Prefecture Taipei Second Industrial Institute were merged as Taipei Prefecture Taipei Industrial Institute , consisting of five departments: Electrical engineering, Architecture, Applied Chemistry, Mechanical Engineering, and Civil Engineering.
April 1, 1937: The Department of Mining was established in Taipei Prefecture Taipei Industrial Institute.
April 8, 1919: The Taiwan Governor General Office established Industrial Technician Development Institute , providing evening program.